Unable to open notebook
under review
Jared Scheib
rabbish Mike Curry simone pelosi we believe we've resolved this issue as of this morning. Could you let me know if you're still unable to open or save your notebooks?
simone pelosi
Jared Scheib: unfortunately I get the same error and I'm unable to run a notebook with my G1 plan...
Jared Scheib
simone pelosi: Sorry to hear that. Could you submit a brief support ticket with the notebook id and the error you're getting at https://support.paperspace.com/hc/en-us/requests/new? I've let support know about the issue, and they should be able to help you out, but it would help to have a specific support ticket as it appears that this may be particular to your account.
Jared Scheib
simone pelosi, we investigated your particular notebook and found that it got messed up during our storage outage, and we restored it manually. Please let me know if you have any further issues!
simone pelosi
Jared Scheib: Thank you Jared and sorry for the delay. I'm able to run all notebooks now!
Jared Scheib
simone pelosi: No worries – I'm glad to hear this issue has been resolved for you. Sorry again for all of the disruption, and thank you for your patience!
Sebastian Rosado
Jared Scheib: I'm currently dealing with this issue! I'm on a deadline to finish this project and I can't access it. Handle is srosmus. Any help appreciated.
Jared Scheib
Sebastian Rosado: Sorry to hear that! Could you please write in to support@paperspace.com? They'll be able to help you quickly~
Jared Scheib
Merged in a post:
Can't Open Notebook
Mike Curry
Got a warning this morning when I went to start up Tenserflow notebook: something about too many things open. I think I left 3 notebooks open when I closed down last night. Opened up but then /storage was missing? Shut down and now I can't seem to get it running again. I keep leaving it on "pending" for 10 or 15 minutes at a time. D:
Jared Scheib
Merged in a post:
Unable to open notebook
simone pelosi
ERROR: gave up retrying docker run for job jsuh62qezv7gtm. error: Error response from daemon: error while mounting volume '/var/lib/docker/volumes/jsuh62qezv7gtm-jobspace/_data': failed to mount local volume: mount :/export/swqiszc4:/var/lib/docker/volumes/jsuh62qezv7gtm-jobspace/_data, data: v4.2,addr= no such file or directory
Jared Scheib
Merged in a post:
I can't open notebook
I can't open notebook, again ang again!!! What's problem???
Jared Scheib
Mike Curry we are aware of the Opening issue and the storage mounting issue and are investigating both right now. Please stay tuned. Sorry for the disruption!
Jared Scheib
rabbish We are looking into this now. Sorry for the disruption!
Jared Scheib
Thanks simone pelosi -- we are looking into this now. Sorry for the disruption!
Mike Curry
Okay it started up for a few minutes and then froze. Now it has said that is saving for the last hour. I just want to get my most recent work out at this point.
evan quiroz
Is this still unsolved?
Jared Scheib
And do you mean that you see the black banner at the top of the notebook window, but nothing below it?
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